Electricity Safety Tips during a Flood

Electricity Safety Tips during a Flood

from the SES N.S.W https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/electricity-safety-tips/

If your power or gas goes out or there's a fault or emergency, your distributor is usually the best place to start.

Your distributor can arrange to send someone out if you have a supply issue or fault. If there’s an outage, they can normally provide you with information on when power or gas should be back up and running.

During the flood 

  • Firstly, turn off power at the main switch in your switchboard.
  • Don’t operate electrical appliances or switches while standing in water or when you have bare feet. Footwear can actually save lives.
  • Don't connect portable generators to the electrical wiring of your house or office unless a licensed electrician has installed a changeover switch. Appliances can be plugged directly into the generator, but make sure you always read the manufacturer's instructions very carefully before doing so.
  • Always follow instructions and directions from local authorities and be ready to evacuate if necessary. It’s a good idea to follow your local authorities on social media so you can stay up to date with what’s happening during a flood.
  • Moving around your area in a boat comes with a few risks – particularly reduced power line height clearances. Floodwaters will lift you closer to powerlines, so stay alert for any dangerous nearby objects.

During a Flood Fact Sheet


After a flood 

  • Unplug all electrical appliances affected by water and have them inspected by a licensed electrical contractor before using them again.
  • Take extra care around your switchboard. If you’re unsure about your switchboard's safety, steer clear and call your licensed electrical contractor.
  • Take care when cleaning up, as fallen powerlines hidden in branches, debris or water can be extremely dangerous. Don't take chances. If you find a fallen power line, keep well away, warn others and call the electricity distributor in your area or emergency services on 000.

After a Flood Fact Sheet


Contact your energy distributor 

Ausgrid www.ausgrid.com.au/ 

Endeavor Energy www.endeavourenergy.com.au

Essential Energy www.essentialenergy.com.au/