A latest client found everything that was connected to their electricity in their back yard workshop created a 'zap' when touched.
In the photo above shows a broken earth fault, causing 190v to run to ground through the building. Be aware to get safety checks completed on your home every few years to make sure your home is safe. More information about our Safety Inspections: https://skellecelectrical.site123.me/electrical-services/home-electrical-safety-inspections?fbclid=IwAR2g7AhvOy5uaSm9Vs2AoHEagcmSLWtlrUNFVtq3OnO8WKhhyoJuTHyrYfM
Skellec Electrical will make sure everything is properly earthed and safe for use.
Earthing is a process used to increase the safety of electrical appliances and prevent electric shocks. An earth wire is essential for any appliance with a metal case. Without an earth wire, electricity could begin to flow through the metal casing if a fault developed.
The earth wire provides an alternative path for the current.
If the live wire becomes loose and touches the metal case, the very large current flows through the earth wire and blows the fuse in the plug, breaking the circuit.
When a current passes through living material, it causes an electric shock.
This interferes with nerve signals from the brain to the body, and can cause a heart attack, muscle spasms and breathing difficulties.